Sunday 24 February 2013

Crime Prevention

The information age has also had an effect on policing and crime prevention. The police have taken advantage of the computer and its abilities to help identify criminals and offences easier. This forms one main aspect of crime prevention. However, the other aspect involves cybercrime, a whole range of crime that was made possible with the popularity of the computer in the world today.

Police Database work

Database work involving computers is one aspect of crime prevention. Much of this database work is done using a national crime computer. A crime computer is a police database that holds information about committed crimes such as stolen vehicles and property. This can be useful as any piece of data can be retrieved to help solve a police investigation (the investigation can be linked to criminals who have committed similar offences before as a national crime computer contains this data).

The E-FIT (Electronic Facial Identification Technique) is another method of criminal identification that began in the 1980’s. Because of the E-FIT, police can create an electronic image of the face of a wanted criminal from information given by eyewitnesses. The E-FIT can also be shown to the public to help track down the criminal.

The TV programme Crimewatch shows E-fits and other types of evidence to the viewers. A phone number is available should anyone be able to provide the police with any extra information

Although computers are an advantage to identifying and tracking criminals, they are also used as a form of communication between different police forces. The information age has meant that local or international police forces can communication between each other. This can also prove useful as criminals can be on the run to different areas after committing a crime. However, if police communication is successfully used, then that criminal can be tracked wherever they are.

The information age has also had an effect on the equipment the police carry. Examples of police equipment include batons, air wave radios and handcuffs.  Among this equipment used by police, the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is one example of this effect. The PDA is a mobile computer device which is similar to the average smartphone. Like ordinary smartphones, a PDA can make phone calls, connect to the internet and also features touchscreen technology. Overall, the information age has had an effect on the advance in police equipment technology.

Tagging is also a method used by the police to track criminals as well as stolen items. One example of criminal tagging would be the use of an ankle monitor. This involves a monitor attached to the offender’s ankle. The monitor then alerts the police if the offender is ‘trespassing’ in a certain area (such as the home of a past victim). This then allows the police to take any further action towards to the criminal.

Stolen products can also be tracked by a serial number unique to the product. When a stolen product has been found, the police can use the serial number to find out more about the product such as where it was stolen from. The method of tracking can be used for many different types of products such as cars. In this case, the police can use the number plate of the car and a number plate database to track the stolen car and then take further action. This is another aspect of crime prevention in the information age.

Microchipping is similar to human tagging except microchips can also be used for animals. For humans, the process of microchipping involves implanting a circuit device (microchip) into the body. The microchip contains information such as ID and medical details which can be located on a microchip database.

However, police mainly use microchipping for the tracking of stolen animals. Cats, dogs and horses for example can also have a microchip implanted into their bodies. Like human microchipping, an animal microchip contains a unique ID number but also contain owner details as well. If a stolen animal was to be found, the police or animal carers (veterinaries or animal shelters) can use the microchip information to locate the owner of the animal and therefore return them.

Dogs are one example of a commonly microchipped animal

Although various types of car crime are a significant problem for the police, the information age has mean that computers can be used to the advantage of the police in terms of car crime. One example of this would include number plate recognition. Also linked in with the national crime computer database, number plate recognition can be used to identify certain cars in the case of car crime. An example of this would be identifying the number plate of a stolen car. The police can use the recognised number plate to track that specific car.

Number plate recognition is also used for other reasons. This would include the use of speed cameras. Speed cameras use number plate recognition to identify cars breaking the speed limit. The number plate of the speeding car is identified and police then take further action towards the driver and/or the car.

Police can also use databases to monitor car data. Examples of this include tax, car insurance and MOT. The police can use this database to track the payments made towards tax, insurance and MOT. Using this database and the national crime computer, police can fine those who don’t pay these taxes.

Forensics is a major area of police work that has been affected by the information age. Today, forensic police use advanced technology that helps towards finding those responsible. One examples of this advanced technology includes forensic equipment such as electron microscopes. Using this technology allows forensic scientists and police to discover evidence against the criminal responsible.

An example of forensic police investigation a crime scene


However, the use of computers in the world today has created a new aspect of crime known as cybercrime. One common example of cybercrime is the theft of data using computers. This involves editing or deleting data (usually done through the use of a removable data storage device) without permission of the owner. The theft of data is common among employees in a business as they can easily access the company data and use it to their advantage. Because of this, many users and businesses use firewalls and other types of computer security systems to avoid the threat of data theft.

Another form of data theft would be hacking. This involves identifying the weaknesses of a computer security system and then using those weaknesses to pass the system itself. At this point, the hacker can access data, money and other important information about a business. However, some people hack computers for reasons other than data or money. Some hackers like to test the strength of security systems while some hack into computers just for the achievement of doing so.

Money can also be stolen through computers in other ways and is another common form of cybercrime. Identity theft is an example of cybercrime that allows offenders to take money from victim’s accounts. This is done by using information such as a victim’s name, ID or credit card details to impersonate the victim. The offender can then use these details to commit crimes such as taking the victim’s money from their account. Not only is the victim stolen from but he/she can also be held ‘responsible’ the offender’s actions or crimes.

A pie chart showing the proportions of different types of identity theft crimes

There are also a number of methods to gaining the personal details of victims. One of these methods includes online scamming. This involves a scammer who seems to be a legit user. Therefore he/she attracts victims and tricks them into giving away their personal details. Using these details, the scammer can then access the victim’s money or trick them into giving it away.

One common form of scamming includes phishing. The scammer is still trying to get hold of the user’s personal details except this time, the scammer asks for the details using forms of electronic communication (mainly E-mail). Phishing can trick many victims as the form of phishing used looks realistic and legit. If a user gives their details away to the E-mail or website, the scammer can then use the details for their advantage.

One common form of phishing would be the use of fake websites. The fake website is run by the scammer and is used to collect the details of victims that believe the website is actually real. Some real websites and companies can also be copied so that the user further believes in the website’s legitimacy. Malware infected websites are also used by scammers to find out the details of the victims.

Illegal downloading of online material is one of the most common forms of cybercrime today. The reason for this is that the crime is not treated as seriously as other cybercrimes such as identity theft. The process of illegal downloading involves downloading material such as music and movie illegally. This mainly causes problems as legal sales of music and movies (for example) fall and therefore resulting in a loss for some companies. Because of this, piracy laws have been toughened, public awareness has risen and more action has been taken against illegal sites.

A screenshot of a news article about Sony’s plans to prevent pirated console games. Other companies such as Apple also block access to pirated material

Another form of cybercrime is the issues of copyright. The idea of copyright protects a user’s work from being copied without credit. However, there are a number of copyright issues on the internet. One of these issues includes plagiarism, which involves copying someone else’s work whilst claiming it as your own. Despite the number of copyright issues online, various actions have been taken against them. One example of this is the plagiarism checker, which finds copied material between two sources.

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